In 2018, USA and Canada were on top 10 of the countries where foreign buyers inquired the most
Consumer traffic data recorded from listing performance across the ListGlobally network has shown that in 2018, Foreign consumers that displayed the greatest level of interest in U.S. properties were Chinese consumers at seven percent (7%). French consumers accounted for five percent (5%) of total consumer interest, and UK citizens made up one percent (1%) of total consumer interest.
When we review performance of property listings in Canada, the greatest interest for properties came from U.S. citizens, accounting for eight percent (8%) of total global consumer interest, with Chinese and French both at four percent a piece (4%).
But nothing in life comes for free and lacking a good property portfolio can be a huge obstacle to your career success. In this article we bring you 5 tips for getting more listings mandates and sell more.
1. Don't be greedy
Nowadays, it is too easy and tempting to price a property higher than it really should have and property owners are frequently looking to get the most out of their property sale.
The homeowner wants to sell his home for as much value as possible, and your role, as a real estate professional, is to curb these urges. You are real estate expert, so you will have to manage the homeowner's expectations considering what the market is willing to pay.
Managing this issue is certainly not easy. However, remember that overpricing a property can mean that it will stay in your portfolio for much longer. Do not forget that prices vary and if they are high at this time, it does not mean that this will still happen in 6 months. Moderation is the rule here.
2. Know your neighbourhood
Knowing the region where you work, with its pros and cons, and knowing exactly what constitutes a valuation element will help you earn extra points from your buyers and sellers.
Know exactly exists and what is expected, in terms of development in your neighborhood / town / city and apply the correct price to the property. Sell these characteristics to buyers and satisfy the homeowner while increasing your sales.
3. Check the price evolution
It is important to know how prices have evolved in recent years, and what kind of property is more interesting to your potential buyers.
Knowing the price per square meter, the most sought after neighborhoods, and the average values practiced will help you do magic. By combining these data at the time of appraising a property, you can more fairly and quickly evaluate the value of a property. It will undoubtedly be the real estate wizard.
4. Networking is key!
Imagine a colleague who is in the north of the country and has a client who wants to sell his apartment in the South.
Do you think it is feasible for the owner and his real estate agent in the South to go to the North to close a sale or is it more beneficial to share a commission with you who are already on site?
And why not create a relationship with the neighborhood merchants? Did you know that they are usually the first to know about market opportunities? There is nothing like the cafe in the corner of your neighbourhood to access information.
5. Increase your brand awareness
Making your brand and values known to the market is key. No one will know who they are if they do not build their public image. Social networks are currently fundamental in creating your identity as a professional.
Always build a positive image of yourself on social networks and demonstrate you are a secure and professional real estate agent when contacting with the customer.
There is nothing like a confident and modest agent who can tell directly and indirectly to its clients, sellers and buyers, that they will work as a team. Use your social pages to tell your customers about the latest market trends, and make live visits to some of your properties.
Get more mandates with ListGlobally!
Having international visibility is a key competitive advantage to gain new sales mandates. There is nothing sexier than telling your customers that their properties will be promoted worldwide.
It's time to sit down with your client! Take one of our pamphlets and use our studies. Explain the importance of foreigners in the U.S or in Canada, and show them why they should work with you.