How to get more mandates in the real estate business
Properstar Marketing - 2018-06-04
The market growth we have seen during 2018 has recommenced.
Agents will have a big smile about this, but we should not ignore the challenges brought by the geopolitical framework (with concerns moving from local to global), and that sellers will face a competitive market due to high demand vs the number of properties on the market.
Staying tunedto the pulse of buyers and sellers is of great importance to agents. In a previous article, we showcased somevaluable insights gathered from our agent survey, discussed the shifting preferences of sellers and mentioned the vital role of client communication in an agent's toolkit. Today, we extend our exploration, turning our attention towards the expectations and communication preferences of buyers as they embark on their real estate journey. With the market facing seasonal challenges, it is helpful for agents to understand these dynamics. Join us as we uncover the world of seller preferences and good communication tactics- with tips to satisfy them!
Properstar, together with the ListGlobally International Network has emerged as a game-changer in the real estate industry, revolutionizing how properties are bought, sold, and listed on a global scale. This article explores Properstar's extensive range of products, services, and features, shedding light on our global reach, and the significance of our recent rebranding.
Home sales have been fluctuating but remain above recent lows, due to a combination of job gains, limited inventory, and fluctuating mortgage rates. Understanding these trends can help agents, individuals and policymakers make informed decisions to create a more equitable, accessible, and sustainable housing market. Let’s look at some key trends expected to shape the US housing market for the remainder of 2023 and provide some insights into the current state of the market.