Meet Properstar Search, now supercharged with AI

Today I’m excited to share the biggest innovation on Properstar so far. We've supercharged our property search with AI. For buyers and renters worldwide, this means finding their dream home just got faster, smarter, and way more personalized. Let’s dive into how this works.


You hear the same story from homeowners every time you meet for a visit. The thrill of starting a new chapter of their life. The big decision to move together. Saving money until they can finally say “let’s buy a home”. Yet, finding the right place often turns challenging quickly, with long lists of desires and necessities—from balconies and garages to swimming pools, not to mention commute times and schools for the kids.

In all real estate portals, once you add those filters to your search, you end up with little to no results. So you lower your expectations, remove all the filters and end up browsing thousands of irrelevant listings.

For decades, this was the norm. Real estate portals brought us a long way from newspaper listings, offering digital convenience. But, they were limited by binary thinking: it’s either black or white. Properties either matched a specific filter or they didn't, with little room for the nuanced preferences of real-life homebuyers.

Unless you’ve been exploring in the South Pole, you could not have missed the rise of AI, like ChatGPT, Bing Copilot or Google’s Bard, just to name a few. These have radically changed the way we’re interacting with computers.

Properstar is very proud to be the first real estate portal to unleash the raw power of AI to supercharge its search. With today’s technology, we’re finally able to give homebuyers worldwide, a personalized and intuitive journey to their dream home. And we’re just getting started.

AI extraction illustration

Finding the perfect match: search millions of listings with the help of AI

Thanks to AI, searching through millions of listings on Properstar has never been easier. Imagine having over 3 million properties from 100,000 agents at your fingertips, each with hidden gems in their descriptions that traditional keyword-based searches can't uncover.

Last year, we took on a challenge: to make every detailed feature in property descriptions easily searchable. Instead of hiring an army of people to sort through them manually, we’ve trained our AI model. We gave it instructions to teach how to extract this gold and finally make this data available.

Six months later, we’re able to detect amenities, views and orientations with a success-rate of 98%.

But let's skip the technical talk.

What this means for you is simple. Homebuyers can now use as many filters as they like in their search, ensuring they never miss out on a property that could be their perfect match. In other words, more precision, more relevance, more leads.

Popular filters (1)

Properstar is a global real estate platform. We’re publishing properties in 115 countries on the five continents. Obviously, you’ll have different requirements whether you’re from Barcelona, Paris, Los Angeles or Sydney.

We’re based in Lausanne, Switzerland, and everybody here would love to have an amazing view over the lake. Summertime brings warm days here, but we’re generally more concerned about heating our homes than cooling them down. Let’s just say that my team-mates in the Portuguese office don’t share the same dilemma.

That’s why we’re suggesting specific Popular filters based on the homebuyer's location. We’re conveniently pushing them in the filter bar, so that they can set up their search in just a few clicks.

Wishes and must haves - AI amenities - mobile

Just for you: homes that match buyers' wishes and needs

But there’s more. There’s a big difference between what homebuyers want and what is a must-have. Nobody's more familiar with this than agents!

First, buyers are excited and full of dreams. But after checking out a few places, they'll notice there are some things they just can't do without, and others that would be nice to have, but aren't essential. For example, if they drive to work every day, not having a parking spot is a deal-breaker. Or, if they have young kids, living on the 6th floor without an elevator might not work for them.

Then there are the extras that buyers love to have, like a sea view or a cellar if they’re a wine lover, like I am. They can still commit to move to their new home if one or the other went missing. The same principle applies to location. Even though they have a clear intent where they want to live, they usually have a bit of flexibility. Most of the time, it’s okay to live a couple of streets away from their ideal spot in the city, or even in a different village if they're looking in the countryside.

That’s why Properstar search results will show them homes slightly outside of their desired location or that are missing a feature. Don’t worry, we won't flood them with options that don't make sense for them. They remain in total control. With a single click, they can turn a wish into a must-have, or draw their perfect area on the map.

Now they just have to save their search, get daily updates, relax and wait for Properstar to find their perfect home.

Join the home-buying revolution! 

As your clients embark on the quest for their perfect property, let Properstar go beyond unique preferences, providing tailored listings that align with their aspirations. This revolutionary approach, together with continuous learning and adaptation, ensures that  property searches are not just efficient but extraordinary. Don't miss the opportunity to explore the future of real estate searches and try Properstar's AI-driven platform today to witness the difference firsthand! Explore Properstar and redefine the path to finding the home of your dreams. 

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