What kind of properties are International buyers buying in U.S.A

Let’s find out what properties are catching the eyes of foreign buyers.

Last year was a banner year for international property buyers looking to invest in overseas homes and condominiums. The United States, was one of the countries that really benefited from this global property consumer interest with a total of $153 billion sales (residential property) between April 2016 and March 2017.

Source: Realtors 2017

With the onset of foreign buyer property taxes that were put in place in Canada and the limitations on international investment in Australia, the consumer eyes are on the United States. Their growing economy and strong property markets are seductive for this foreign buyers.

These consumers want to buy in places like California, Florida and New York but who can judge them? There is nothing like the sun, flip flops and shopping in the big apple! Don’t you agree?

But what are they searching for?

They are searching to buy mainly Single Family Property and Multi-Family Property:

And the reason they are doing this is connected to the fact that they are looking to buy a primary residence. However we should also note that international buyers are searching for good investments, to buy a house for their kids while they are studying in the U.S.A. and they also considered that this country is a great option to have a vacation home.

According to ListGlobally data (from 2018) these consumers are mainly looking to buy:

1- Houses

2- Flat

3- Land

4- Residential buildings

5- Bungalows

6- Commercial properties

Regarding New York it it important to mention that besides apartments, our clients also purchase commercial mixed use and multifamily buildings.

Apartments are more popular because they are easier to manage and simple to understand.

Want to know more?

Contact us!

  • May 31, 2018 4:16:52 PM |
  • Properstar Marketing

Let’s talk about Chinese property portals

China in the headlines

China, China, China… buyers from China have been making the headlines in the local real estate press around the world, in Sydney, New York or Lisbon. For any real estate professional interested in marketing their properties to Chinese buyers, the question is always the same how to market properties to chinese buyers? Let's explore this.

  • May 31, 2018 3:01:54 PM |
  • Geoffroy Reiser

Willis Allen Real Estate partners with ListGlobally and goes global

Willis Allen goes global

Following the commitment to “go global” with their property marketing and advertising, we are pleased to announce the launch of Willis Allen Real Estate’s property listings on ListGlobally.

  • May 7, 2018 3:48:29 PM |
  • Properstar Marketing

The real estate sector in 2018

What should you consider when you think about growing your business

The growth we have seen during 2017 is here to stay. A big smile emoticon is expected but we should not ignore the challenges brought by the geopolitical framework (with concerns moving from local to global), and that sellers will face a competitive market due to high demand vs the number of properties on the market.

On the other side, and according to PWC Report on Real Estate Trends for 2018, cities will continue to grow due to different lifestyles and employment reality. We are living in a world where the separation between personal and professional life is blurred so we will need to provide different kinds of properties, that are connected to commercial development, public spaces and transport.

Millenials are alive and kicking!

Millenials are starting to play the game all over the globe. As the financial situation improves, Millennials are increasing their incomes and start leaving their rented homes and looking to buy a house or apartment.

Realtor predicts that in the USA by the end of 2018, millennials may comprise 43% of home buyers taking out mortgages and they will also be the recipients of a larger share of middle/upper-tier mortgages.

But what are they searching for?

Stay tuned … we will provide that information during the month of May.


Unsurprisingly, Brexit will continue to be a factor that has impacts on real estate. Some investors are concerned about this reality and this uncertainty and according to PWC, Frankfurt is already starting to notice some positive signs following UK’s decision to leave the European Union.

Great news for them, isn’t it?

We should also note that Copenhagen, due to it’s strong economic growth, is a market to keep an eye on. Investors are searching for all kinds of properties for different usages (retirement, education, and others).

But don’t get too excited with these 2 cities in Europe, because there are more cities to look up worlwide during the year. Don’t you believe that? Continue reading and you will find all the answers.


In the USA it is expected a rise on prices but not as high as in 2017. Among all homes, entry level or first-time homes will see the highest price increases due to inventory shortage.

When it comes to Europe we know that markets like Portugal and Spain present the same trend when it comes to prices. They are higher but the good news is that there is still a lot of international buyers that searching on those areas.

World Hotspots for Real Estate Investment

So let’s get to the juicy part of our article. Here you have a list of the countries that are considered to be the hotspots for 2018. Isn’t it exciting?

Feel free to share it!


Last but not least…let’s talk about technology.

Real estate sector is living an amazing time but we have to face it… we will need new skills and new technological tools that will help us to collaborate internationally in order to survive and compete in our new reality.

According to Kobi Lahav, senior managing director at Mdrn. Residential, a New York City–based brokerage:

“more than ever, technology will be a required resource for home buyers as they will have to get real time information about new listings”.

Its is also a fact that handling data, connecting everything and everyone is a big challenge the sector is now facing. According to PWC Report on Real Estate trends for 2018

“Better access to data — the new ‘oil’ for the real estate sector — could allow technology companies or new entrants to dominate entire sections of real estate.”

Now that you know all this… How do you plan to overcome these obstacles?

How many international buyers are you losing everyday due to a lack of technological partner that understands the complexity of the business and provides you solutions?

ListGlobally helps you getting your international buyers!

ListGlobally has you covered, providing access to a truly global audience and promotion across the largest network of real property portals available.

We provide you:

  • global reach (+100 portals, + 60 countries)
  • performance analysis
  • data on international buyers
  • data on real estate business
  • marketing tools
  • training material
  • and others

For more information on products and services, reach out! We want to talk.

Follow our Blog to get the latest news on real estate

  • May 1, 2018 4:13:28 PM |
  • Properstar Marketing

Spain’s Property Hotspots 2017/2018

The number of foreign buyers in Spain has dramatically increased since 2009, and has stabilized at 13% of total sales nationally, representing a 9 to 10 billion euros market. Yet, what are the most desirable coastal regions and major cities for foreign buyers? Which areas are the property hotspots? At ListGlobally we have analyzed our performance (leads generated for our clients in 2017 and 2018) and compiled some interesting data below.

  • May 1, 2018 3:16:59 PM |
  • Geoffroy Reiser

How to seduce your customers through your property description?

4 steps on how to improve your sales with a compelling property description

For real estate professionals it’s essential to have visibility and one way to do it is to know exactly what to write on a listing description.

We all love to be seduced and why would that be different when we talk about our customers or about the selling activity?

And how can you do it?

There is no need to write an academic essay, nor a  poem to seduce your customers to let them know how awesome you are. Actually it’s quite simple.


1. Keep it simple and stop trying to look like the others

I bet you’ve already searched thousands of property listings and that you have an idea about what a property listing should look like. I even suspect that you already thought, “Well, if this works for them, it should work for me and I am on track!” WRONG. Here is your first lesson … don’t imitate, innovate!

If you are not different, you will get lost in the crowd and it’s so boring to look like the rest! Obviously not everyone is a Shakespeare or a Mozart but I will give you a structure that will help you start moving like Jagger:

Title: You only got a split second to get someone’s attention

Your title and your statement should be catchy and different. If you are selling a property to younger people why not try humor? Try finding a positive thing in every feature of the property.

Here are some examples of property titles:

Priced To Sell. This One Won’t Last! 2 bedroom apartment in the center of Boston.

Stop your kids from fighting. Give each of them a room. 4 bedroom villa with pool available to sell in Malaga!

Start planning your barbecue, move in today to this beautiful Villa in Albufeira! Available for sell.

Amazing apartment with 2 bedrooms and outstanding sea view that will make all your friends jealous. Available for sale only in Malibu!

Describe what are the customer is looking at, directly and simply. Give them a reason to click.

At this stage, you should try to answer the customer desires and the basic initial information you should include are the property type and its location.

Property description: be creative but also accurate and simple

Everyone wants to know what they are buying so it is mandatory to include the property description:

· How many rooms/bathrooms ?

· Property size and divisions size

· Location: neighborhood, schools, shopping, transportation

· Extras: garage, pool, garden, others

· Any recent updates or renovations

· Unique characteristics

Note that while you are describing those features, you can tell a story to your customer. Try to put your potential customer inside the property by showing them a lifestyle. Make them dream about it.

For example:

Welcome home! Upstairs you will find 2 rooms for your kids, and suite for you and your partner. The 3 existing bathrooms will be located next to the kids rooms, one will be inside your suite and the other will be downstairs next to the 20m2 kitchen. This way your friends won’t have the need to go upstairs and get the whole floor wet when they get out of the 15m2 pool you have outside.  Your pool parties and barbecues will be renowned in this astonishing lake-view villa.

If you need to sell that property quickly, you can even go for the extra mile and offer, a discount or incentive: special financing conditions; administrative fees; etc.

Finally… cut the talk: Sell!

You should finish your description with a call to action which is extremely important to complete the sale.

If you think that a simple sentence like “buy now” will do the work -  it won’t. People are driven by emotions so talk to people and get them get passionate about your listings.

Why not create a call to action like, “contact me now so we can schedule your barbecue”?

2. Speak your customer's language

Different people have different needs, so they will feel more connected to a description that goes straight to their personal desires and expectations.

If you are selling a family house please put the family inside the property (like the example we’ve seen before), but if you are selling a studio for a student, you can speak about it’s proximity to theatres or the university, and describe how that property will fit their lifestyle.

3. Be Smart

Don’t try to rip off your clients. Be fair and smart to sell it quickly:

  • Price it right
  • Promote it adequately
  • Clearly state why your property is a deal of a lifetime

4. Optimize for SEO

What is this? Well most of your clients come from the online environment. So, you need to get noticed on this platform. If your property description is the first snippet of text Google will see on your page, make sure you consider including SEO-friendly phrases like:

“Save fuel. 2 bedroom apartment, close to transport and in city center, available for sale in Lausanne”. Your potential buyer will include these phrases in their online searches so Google needs to find them in order to present your listing to your customers.

Now that you know that selling, real estate can be pretty fun. Start practicing!

 ListGlobally helps you reach international buyers

ListGlobally has you covered, providing access to a truly global audience and offering promotion across the largest network of real property portals available.

For more information on products and services, reach out! We want to talk to you!

  • Apr 30, 2018 4:12:42 PM |
  • Properstar Marketing

“Wind of Change” in the profile of foreign Investors buying real estate in Turkey

When it comes to houses sold to foreigners in Turkey during 2017, we are talking about 22.324 homes. According to the Turkish Statistical Institute, there was an increase of 22% in home sales to foreign buyers, despite the internal turbulence. The leading countries are Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Russia, and Afghanistan .

  • Apr 20, 2018 3:45:26 PM |
  • Properstar Marketing

Oh, Canada - investing big in the U.S. real estate market!

The ranking was determined based on Canadian users’ Google searches conducted from January 2017 to January 2018, using keywords regarding homes for sale abroad and showed that these guys are big spenders. If it is true Canadians like buying properties by the sea it is also true that they are investing in the U.S. Actually, if compared to 3 years ago they are spending more and more.

  • Apr 18, 2018 3:41:16 PM |
  • Byron Burley

How to overcome language obstacles while working with International Buyers

If you are one those real estate agents that has nightmares each time you think about chinese buyers enquiring on your property, just stop here for a minute.

  • Apr 17, 2018 10:57:43 AM |
  • Properstar Marketing

Century 21 Portugal partners with Listglobally to upgrade its foreign buyers acquisition strategy

Century 21 Portugal moves forward with its foreign buyers acquisition strategy to attract outsiders flooding Portugal

Century 21, a powerful network in Portugal

When travelling to Portugal, one cannot miss the deep roots CENTURY 21 has in the Portuguese private real estate market. With over 1400 agents, and more than 100 agencies in Portugal, Century21 is a leading player.

What struck us the most on our last visit to meet with the industry was the vivid interest towards foreign buyers. With FRENCH advertising targeting buyers of the hexagon directly at the airport, Century21 takes the lead and confirms the importance of private foreign investments.

“Feel at home” reads the ad we encountered on our way to Portugal’s capital city

Century21 Portugal advertising to French buyers in Lisbon’s airport

With 1 every 4 houses sold to a foreigner in Portugal in 2017, targeting outsiders is becoming increasingly relevant

The Listglobally network will connect you to over 100 real estate portals in 60+ countries. With strong ties with leading French portal SeLoger (15 million visits per month) and leading Chinese portal Anjuke (30 million visits per month), Listglobally will connect you to the foreign buyers targeting Portugal.

Focus on Lisbon

Amongst all foreign buyers targeting Portugal, Lisbon plays a key role in the increase in demand. (APEMIP)

French buyers : 21%

Chinese buyers : 20%

Brazilian buyers : 10%

For all our most recent stats on foreign buyers in Portugal, follow the link.

With a network of over 100 property portals, Listglobally is the widest network of real estates hubs that will connect you to foreign buyers.

A strong value proposition

All statistics on foreign buyers in Portugal, lead guarantees and a marketing partnership to turn your agents in international buyers experts

More than a sole publication device, we believe our clients deserve guarantees. We combine a fixed number of direct messages received by foreign buyers along with a marketing partnership that turns our partners’ agents into foreign buyers experts. We will get you in the game.

We want to talk — Reach out : plantier@listglobally.com

For all fresh news on foreign buyers in Portugal.

  • Apr 3, 2018 2:55:33 PM |
  • Properstar Marketing

ListGlobally partners with CENTURY 21 to sell Spanish properties to international buyers

About Century 21 Spain

Century 21 Spain is a franchise network strong of 1.030 real estate agents. In 2017, it completed 5.414 real estate transactions, 22 % more than in 2016, with an average purchase price of 199.598 euros.
Currently present in Spain with 72 offices across the country, Century 21 Spain plans to expand to over 400 offices and 8.000 to 10.000 agents in the coming years (see here for more details).

  • Mar 26, 2018 3:20:52 PM |
  • Geoffroy Reiser

Fast Facts: What’s happening with real estate global investment?

Let’s wrap up 2017 and give a small introduction to 2018. Will we still have positive signs in terms of global investment?

Last year was an incredible year in terms of global real estate investment. After the economic crises the markets are now glowing and smiling to this trend.

The real estate transactions are growing and according to Cushman & Wakefield, in 2017 we had an increase of 13,2%. If we think about 2018 we also expect positive news. It’s expected that with more money on the market this number will follow last year’s tendency.

In Europe we already reached the 20% of global investment (a growth of 7%) and the most attractive countries are: UK; Germany; and Spain.

Did you know that Barcelona is a really important city for international buyers?

Even though Portugal is not on the top 3 it is important to mention that this country had an increase of 61% investment in 2017 which leads us to the conclusion that we should keep an eye on this market.

If we consider the other side of the Atlantic, we see that USA is the country with the highest volume of real estate investment but if we consider the investment in promotion projects then we have to say that China leads the way.

So having said, what are you waiting for?

Let’s sell and get your international buyers!

  • Mar 22, 2018 12:01:22 PM |
  • Properstar Marketing

Real Estate and the importance of Data

The real estate business changes every day. We all know that we need to constantly adapt but… easier said than done.

  • Mar 15, 2018 4:08:19 PM |
  • Properstar Marketing

Lisbon: who buys and where are the hotspots!

Ladies and gentleman… the “catwalk” is officially open for international real estate buyers. What are you waiting for?

  • Mar 9, 2018 11:57:52 AM |
  • Properstar Marketing

Top 5 foreign buyers in the Alps

In the Ski Property Report 2017 published by Knight Frank Switzerland (Naef Prestige), figures are published about Chamonix, Courchevel, Megève, Méribel, Val d’Isère, Crans Montana, St Moritz, Verbier, Villars and Andermatt.

  • Jan 23, 2018 3:32:26 PM |
  • Geoffroy Reiser

How to make my property listing interesting for international market?

The answer is simple: It is all about content. Our choices are based on what we like or do not like, what fits you best, etc.

  • Oct 30, 2017 3:24:30 PM |
  • Marina Alekseyeva

5 secrets to convert more international buyers on your listings

Getting attention and conversion to its listing is the starting point for any agent. This is true regardless the audience, local or international buyers. Plenty of advice are done to optimize listings: publish great photos, provide a full description, a fair pricing… but few are made to target foreign buyers specifically.

  • Oct 26, 2017 4:27:15 PM |
  • Properstar Marketing

Foreign buyers in Spain — Where do they buy ? And where do they come from ?

Where do foreign buyers purchase most properties in Spain ?


  • Oct 11, 2017 3:29:46 PM |
  • Geoffroy Reiser

Foreign buyers in Italy: how to be part of a €5.5B market

Last year, the editorial teams of leading property portals in Italy published an article that was called “Italy: always more foreigners buy in our beautiful country” (Casa.it) or “Always more foreign buyers looking for a house in Italy” (idealista.it). Today we want to unwrap this and provide you some useful data.

Foreign buyers in Italy

Foreign buyers were responsible for 5.5 billion euros worth of transactions in 2016. According to Idealista.it, these numbers are a record since 2007. On the other hand, Knight Frank’s data,  found that users of 171 nationalities searched for Italian properties on its website during 2015.

Who is buying in Italy?

The most active foreigners in Italy are the British, U.S. and German buyers. According to Casa.it, they adds the Chinese and French buyers to this list as you can see below :

Foreign residents in Italy

In Italy from 1 million residents in 2002, to 5 million residents in 2016 which is 8% of the total population (source: National Institute of Statistics). This clearly shows that Italy is attracting foreigners as you can see below:

Target foreign buyers and take advantage of this market

At ListGlobally, we have developed a simple and powerful offer for Italian agencies to address this market.

In one click, they can publish their listings on a network of 100 portals in over 60 countries. Whether you are targeting American buyers, Chinese buyers, French buyers or any other nationality, feel free to have a look at the list and reach out to our teams for any question.

If you’re interested into publishing your listings to foreign portals, subscribe now to ListGlobally, starting at €56 per month.

  • Aug 14, 2017 3:53:10 PM |
  • Geoffroy Reiser

Foreign Buyers Spend Record $153B in U.S. Real Estate

International buyers purchased $153 billion worth of existing homes in the U.S. from April 2016 to March 2017 — up 49% from the same period a year before, according to recent National Association of Realtors® data. In others terms, foreign buyers purchased 284,455 homes.

Foreign sales accounted for 10 percent of all existing home sales by dollar volume and 5 percent by number of properties.

Where do foreign buyers come from ?

Foreign buyers of US homes are truly global. Chinese, Canadians, Indians, Mexicans and British buyers are quite present, however the biggest group of foreign buyers is, with $75.6 billion worth of transactions, a very interesting group called “All Others” as you can see below:

What should US real estate actors do?

The whole difficulty when addressing this market of $153 billion dollar, is that foreign buyers come from over 60 countries. It is a very fragmented market, as “All others” represent 50% of international sales in the United States. This is precisely why our approach at ListGlobally is to publish US listings on over 100 foreign portals (click here to see the list) including the #1 and #2 property portals in China but not limiting the international visibility to just that. Our approach is to serve our clients with the most complete international marketing strategy.

Want to know more about foreign buyers in the United States ? Contact our team now, we’re here to help.

  • Jul 26, 2017 4:23:42 PM |
  • Geoffroy Reiser

Sales to international buyers in Spain booming in 2017

According to the Spanish Ministry of Development (Fomento), foreign buyers in Spain increased by 13% year-on-year to reach 21,096 transactions in the first quarter of 2017.

  • Jul 17, 2017 3:30:35 PM |
  • Geoffroy Reiser

The French effect on Portugal real estate market

In Portugal, one buyer in five is a foreigner. Among them, French buyers represent more than 25%.

  • Jul 12, 2017 11:53:35 AM |
  • Geoffroy Reiser
  • May 28, 2024 6:30:00 AM |
  • Shanna Mawer

Navigating a low inventory real estate market

  • Apr 19, 2024 6:00:00 AM |
  • Shanna Mawer

5 tips for a successful spring with Properstar


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